Program: HathiTrust Digital Library
- Publisher:
- Print ISSN: 0005-4704
- Electronic ISSN:
- OCLC Number: 2969025
- Validation: None
- Retention: permanent
- Institution: HathiTrust
- Facility:
- OCLC Symbol: HATHI
- Holdings Format: Print
Materials | Archive Action | Date of Action | Program | Status/Note |
1968; 1969 (Ja-Je); 1969 (Jy-D); 1970 (Ja-Je); 1970 (Jy-D); 1971 (Ag-D); 1971 (Ja-Jy); 1972 (Jy-D); 1972 (Ja-Je); 1973 1973; 1973-1977; 1978 1978; 1978; 1979-80; 1981; 1982 1982; 1982-1983; 1984 1984; 1984-Marzo 1985; 1985 1985
committed to retain | 2023-02-28 | HTDL |