Program: HathiTrust Digital Library

  • Publisher: University of Illinois
  • Print ISSN:
  • Electronic ISSN:
  • OCLC Number: 6208910
  • Validation: None
  • Retention: permanent
  • Institution: HathiTrust
  • Facility:
  • OCLC Symbol: HATHI
  • Holdings Format: Print
Materials Archive Action Date of Action Program Status/Note
no.13 1939; no.14 1939; no.15 1939; no.16 1940; no.17 1940; no.18 1940; no.19 1940; no.20 1940; no.21 1941; no.22 1942; no.23 1942; no.25 1943; no.26 1943; no.27 1943; no.28 1944; no.29 1944; no.30 1944; no.31 1944; v.21-30(1941-1944); no.32 1945; no.33 1945; v.15-32(1939-1945); no.34 1946; no.35 1946; no.36 1947; no.38 1947; no.39 1948; v.31-40(1944-1948); no.44 1949; v.33-47(1945-1950); v.41-50(1948-1952); no.53 1954; no.52 1955; no.54 1955; no.55 1956; no.56 1957; no.57; no.57 1957; no.58 1957; no.59 1958; no.60 1959; no.61 1960; no.63 1962; no.64 1963; v.48-64 (BD W/O 49,57,63)(1951-1963); v.51-64 (BD W/O 57)(1953-1963)
committed to retain 2023-02-27 HTDL