Program: HathiTrust Digital Library

  • Publisher: Verlag des Bèorsenvereins der Deutschen Buchhèandler zu Leipzig
  • Print ISSN: 0075-2967
  • Electronic ISSN:
  • OCLC Number: 1754157
  • Validation: None
  • Retention: permanent
  • Institution: HathiTrust
  • Facility:
  • OCLC Symbol: HATHI
  • Holdings Format: Print
Materials Archive Action Date of Action Program Status/Note
1945-1946; 1947-1948; 1951 pt.1; 1951 pt.2; 1953 pt.2; 1954 pt.2; 1955 pt.2; 1956 pt.1; 1956 pt.2; 1957 pt.2; 1958 pt.2; 1959 pt.2; 1960 pt.2; 1961 pt.2; 1962 pt.1; 1962 pt.2; 1963 pt.1; 1963 pt.2; 1964-1965 pt.1 Lind-Z; 1964-1965 pt.2; 1966 pt.1 A-Kirn; 1966 pt.1 Kirn-Z; 1966 pt.2; 1967 pt.1 Lis-Zyp; 1967 pt.2
committed to retain 2018-08-28 HTDL