Program: HathiTrust Digital Library
- Publisher:
- Print ISSN:
- Electronic ISSN:
- OCLC Number: 490962834
- Validation: None
- Retention: permanent
- Institution: HathiTrust
- Facility:
- OCLC Symbol: HATHI
- Holdings Format: Print
Materials | Archive Action | Date of Action | Program | Status/Note |
1834-1842; 1839-50; 1851-58; 1856-64; 1865-69; 1870-73; 1874-80; 1881-87; 1888-93; 1894-1900; 1901-06; 1915-1917; 1918-20; 1922-1925; 1927-1973; 1975-1984; 1984 handbook; 1985 handbook; 1985-86; 1987, v.1; 1987, v.2; 1988, v.1; 1988, v.2; 1989, v.1; 1990, v.1; 1990, v.2; 1991, v.1; 1991, v.2; 1992, v.1; 1992, v.2; 1993, v.1; 1993, v.2; 1994, v.1; 1994-95; 1995-96; 1996-97; 1997-98; 1998-99; 1999-2000; 2000-01, Resources and Reports; 2001-02; 2002-03; 2003-04; 2004-05; 2005-06; 2006-07
committed to retain | 2023-01-01 | HTDL |