Program: HathiTrust Digital Library
- Publisher: U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Employment Security
- Print ISSN:
- Electronic ISSN:
- OCLC Number: 2251883
- Validation: None
- Retention: permanent
- Institution: HathiTrust
- Facility:
- OCLC Symbol: HATHI
- Holdings Format: Print
Materials | Archive Action | Date of Action | Program | Status/Note |
1950-1962; 1961-1963PT2(incomplete) 1961-1963; 1961-1963PT1(incomplete) 1961-1963; 1963-1968; 1969 1969; 1969-1976; 1978-1979; v.2:Miscellan. misconduct; v.3:Benefit principles; v.1:index
committed to retain | 2022-09-18 | HTDL |