Program: Western Regional Storage Trust
- Publisher: Société d'études et d'expansion
- Print ISSN: 0770-2809
- Electronic ISSN:
- OCLC Number: 3021761
- Validation: volume-level
- Retention: 20351231
- Institution: Stanford Libraries Shared Print in Place
- Facility:
- OCLC Symbol: STF
- Holdings Format: Print
Materials | Archive Action | Date of Action | Program | Status/Note |
annee 75:no 269(1976:juil./aout/sept.)-annee 77:no 276(1978:avr./mai/juin),annee 78:no 282(1979:oct./nov./dec.)-annee 79:no 286(1980:oct./nov./dec.)
committed to retain | 2015-01-12 | WEST, WEST Silver |
annee 75:no 269(1976:juil./aout/sept.)-annee 77:no 276(1978:avr./mai/juin),annee 78:no 282(1979:oct./nov./dec.)-annee 79:no 286(1980:oct./nov./dec.)
completeness reviewed | 2015-01-12 | WEST, WEST Silver |
missing issues
/ missing issues annee 77:no 277(1978:juil./aout/sept.)-annee 78:no 281(1979:juil./aout/sept.)