Program: Center for Research Libraries Serials
- Publisher: Izd. Glavnago pravlenīi︠a︡ Zarubezhnago soi︠u︡za russkikh voennykh invalidov
- Print ISSN:
- Electronic ISSN:
- OCLC Number: 220921272
- Validation: not validated
- Retention:
- Institution: Center for Research Libraries Serials
- Facility: Center for Research Libraries
- OCLC Symbol: CRL
- Holdings Format: Print
Materials | Archive Action | Date of Action | Program | Status/Note |
no.3 (Apr 22, 1930); no.6 (July 22, 1930); no.23, 32-59, 61-65, 69-70, 74-83 (1931-1935)
committed to retain | 20151001 | CRLSerials |
no.3 (Apr 22, 1930); no.6 (July 22, 1930); no.23, 32-59, 61-65, 69-70, 74-83 (1931-1935)
Completeness reviewed | 20151001 | CRLSerials |
/ Missing no.4-no.5, no.7-no.22