Report of the auditor general ...

  • Publisher:
  • Print ISSN:
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  • OCLC Number: 41006328
  • Subject: Finance, Public Philippines.
  • Subject code: H
  • Publication history:

Print Holdings

Archiving Institution Program Holdings Description Retention
HathiTrust (HATHI) HTDL 1902; 1900/01-1904/05; 1905-1907; 1906-1910; 1911.001; 1911 pt.1; 1911 pt.2; 1911:pt.3; 1912; 1912 pt.1; 1912 pt.2; 1913; 1913 pt.1; 1915-1916; 1918-1919; 1921-1927; 1955/1956-1957/1958; 1959-1959/1960; ; 1921:Suppl. no.1; 1916:Suppl. no.2; 1916 suppl. no.1; 1938 suppl.1; 1939 suppl.1 permanent
HathiTrust (HATHI) HTDL 1902; 1900/01-1904/05; 1905-1907; 1906-1910; 1911.001; 1911 pt.1; 1911 pt.2; 1911:pt.3; 1912; 1912 pt.1; 1912 pt.2; 1913; 1913 pt.1; 1915-1916; 1918-1919; 1921-1926; 1922-1927; 1927; 1955/1956-1957/1958; 1959-1959/1960; ; 1921:Suppl. no.1; 1916:Suppl. no.2; 1916 suppl. no.1; 1938 suppl.1; 1939 suppl.1 permanent