Archiving Institution |
Program |
Holdings Description |
Retention |
HathiTrust (HATHI) |
no.66-83 1934-36; no.84-95 1937-38; no.96-107 1939-40; no.108-119 1941-42; no.120-131 1943-44; no.132-143 1945-46; no.144-155 1947-48; no.156-170 1949-50; no.171-186 1951-1952; no.187-202 1953-54; no.203-218 1955-56
HathiTrust (HATHI) |
no.12-47 1924-30; no.48-77 1931-35; no.66-83 1934-36; no.78-95 1936-38; no.84-95 1937-38; no.96-100 1939; no.96-107 1939-40; no.108-119 1941-42; no.120-131 1943-44; no.127-131 1944; no.132-143 1945-46; no.144-155 1947-48; no.156-170 1949-50; no.171-186 1951-52; no.171-186 1951-1952; no.187-202 1953-54; no.203-218 1955-56
Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology (LHL) |
Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology |
n3(Oc 1921)-18(Jl 1925)