Proceedings of the New York Farmers.
- Publisher: s.n.
- Print ISSN:
- Electronic ISSN:
- OCLC Number: 1760067
- Subject: Agriculture New York (State) Periodicals.
- Subject code: S
- Publication history:
Print Holdings
Archiving Institution |
Program |
Holdings Description |
Retention |
Center for Research Libraries Serials (CRL) |
CRLSerials |
(1882/1883), (1884/1885-1890/1891), (1899/1900-1916/1917), (1918/1919-1955/1956)
HathiTrust (HATHI) |
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HathiTrust (HATHI) |
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Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology (LHL) |
Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology |
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