The Phrenological journal and miscellany.

  • Publisher: John Anderson
  • Print ISSN:
  • Electronic ISSN:
  • OCLC Number: 7800022
  • Subject: Phrenology.
  • Subject code:
  • Publication history:

Print Holdings

Archiving Institution Program Holdings Description Retention
Center for Research Libraries Serials (CRL) CRLSerials v.1-v.10 (Dec 1823-Sep 1837)
HathiTrust (HATHI) HTDL v.1 1823-1824 Dec-Aug; v.2 1824-1825 Aug-Oct; v.3; v.3 (1825-1826); v.3 (1825/26); v.3 1825-1826 Aug-Oct; v.4 1826-1827 Oct-Nov; v.4 (1826/27); v.5 (1828/29); v.5 1828-1829 May-Apr; v.7 1831-1832 Mar-Sep; v.8 (1832/34); v.8 1832-1834 Dec-Jun; v.9 (1834/36); v.9 1834-1836 Sep-Mar; v.10 1836-1837 Jun-Sep; v.10 (1836/37); v.10 (Mar.-Sept. 1837) permanent