Archiving Institution |
Program |
Holdings Description |
Retention |
Arizona State University Shared Print in Storage (AZS) |
1(1951)-13(1963), 22(1969)-31(1974), 79(1993)-81(1995)
HathiTrust (HATHI) |
v.1-2; v.1-2 1951-52; v.3; v.3 1953; v.4-5; v.4; v.4 no.1 1954; v.4 no.2-6 1954; v.5; v.5-6 1955-56; v.6-7; v.6; v.7; v.7-8 1957-1958; v.8; v.9; v.9-10 1959-1960; v.10; v.11; v.11-12 1961-62; v.12; v.13; v.13-14 1963-64; v.14; v.15; v.15-16; v.16; v.17-18; v.17-18 1966-67; v.19; v.19-20 1967-68; v.20; v.21; v.21-22 1969-70; v.22; v.23; v.23 1970; v.24; v.24 1971; v.25; v.25 1971; v.26; v.26 1972; v.27; v.27 1972; v.28; v.28 1973; v.29; v.29 1973; v.30; v.30 1974; v.31; v.31 1974; v.32; v.32 1975; v.33; v.33 no.1-4 1975; v.34-35; v.34; v.34 1975-76; v.35 1976; v.36 1976-77; v.37; v.37 1977; v.38 1977; v.39 1977-78; v.40 1978; v.41 1978-79; v.42 1979; v.43 1979; v.44 1980; v.45 1980; v.46; v.46-47 1980-81; v.47; v.48-49; v.48 1981; v.49 1981; v.50 1982; v.51-52; v.51 1982; v.52 1982-83; v.53 1983; v.54 1983-84; v.55; v.55 1984; v.56 1984; v.57-58; v.57 1985; v.58 1985; v.59 1985-86; v.60 1986; v.61 1986; v.62 1986-87; v.63 1987; v.64 1987; v.65 1987-88; v.66 1988; v.67 1988-1989; v.68 1989; v.69 1989; v.70 1990; v.71 1990; v.72 1990; v.73 1991; v.74 1991; v.75 1991-1992; v.76; v.77 1992-1993; v.78 1993; v.78 no.1-5; v.79 1993; v.80 1994; v.81 1995; v.82; v.82 pp.1-400 1996; v.82 pp.401-924 1996; v.83; v.83 pp.1-604 1997; v.83 pp.605-1126 1997; v.83 pp.599-1192 1998; v.84 pp.1-597 1998; v.85 1999; v.86 pp.1-598 2000; v.86 pp.599-1068 2000; Suppl 1992; Suppl.; v.85 1999 Suppl.1
Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology (LHL) |
Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology |
v.1-v.81 (1951-1995)
University of Florida (FUG) |
Florida Academic Repository (FLARE), Scholars Trust |
v.1(1951)-v.69(1989); Suppl. v.15(1965)
Washington Research Library Consortium (CAO) |
Scholars Trust, WRLC |
v.1 (1951)-v.81 (1995) (v.9 includes pt.1 of Akustische Beihefte (1959)) (v.11 includes pt.1 of Akustische Beihefte (1961)), (v.12 includes pt.1 of Akustische Beihefte (1962)), (v.13 includes pt.1 of Akustische Beihefte (1963))
Washington Research Library Consortium (CAO) |
Scholars Trust, WRLC |
v.1 (1951)-v.81 (1995)