La Nouvelle revue des deux mondes.

  • Publisher:
  • Print ISSN: 0151-914X
  • Electronic ISSN: 2266-4823
  • OCLC Number: 1795148
  • Subject:
  • Subject code: A
  • Publication history: jan. 1972-avril 1982.

Print Holdings

Archiving Institution Program Holdings Description Retention
Harvard University JSTOR Archive (HJSTOR) HARV@JSTOR v.1972-v.1978:no.11 (Jan 1972-Nov 1978); v.1979-v.1982:no.4 (Jan 1979-Apr 1982) retention period not specified
HathiTrust (HATHI) HTDL 1844 no.2; 1846 no.4; 1847 no.4; ser. 6:v.5 (1850); 1972 Jan-Mar; 1972 Apr-Jun; 1972 Jul-Sep; 1972 Oct-Dec; 1972:1-3; 1972:4-6; 1972:7-9; 1972:10-12; 1972 no.1-3; 1972 no.4-6; 1972 no.7-9; 1972 no.10-12; 1973 Oct.-Dec.; 1973 Jan-Feb; 1973 Apr; 1973 May-Jun; 1973 Jul-Sep; 1973 Jan.-Mar.; 1973 Apr.-June; 1973:1-3; 1973:4-6; 1973:7-9; 1973:10-12; 1973 no.1-3; 1973 no.4-6; 1973 no.7-9; 1973 no.10-12; 1974 Avr.-Juin; 1974 Jan-Mar; 1974 Jul-Sep; 1974 Oct-Dec; 1974:4; 1974:5; 1974:1-3; 1974:7-9; 1974:10-12; 1974 no.1-3; 1974 no.4-6; 1974 no.7-9; 1974 no.10-12; 1975 Jan-Mar; 1975 Apr-Jun; 1975 Jul-Sep; 1975 Oct-Dec; 1975:1-3; 1975:4-6; 1975:7-9; 1975:11; 1975:12; 1975 no.1-3; 1975 no.4-6; 1975 no.7-9; 1975 no.10-12; 1976:8-9; 1976:10-12; 1976 Jan-Mar; 1976 Apr-Jun; 1976 Jul-Sep; 1976 Oct.-Dec.; 1976:1-3; 1976:4-6; 1976:7-9; 1976 no.1-3; 1976 no.4-6; 1976 no.7; 1977:1-3; 1977:4-6; 1977:7-9; 1977:10-12; 1977 Jan.-Mar.; 1977 Apr.-June; 1977 July-Sept.; 1977 Oct.-Dec.; 1978:1-3; 1978:4-6; 1978:7-9; 1978:10-12; 1978 Apr.-June; 1978 Jan.-Mar.; 1978 July-Sept.; 1978 Oct.-Dec.; 1979:1-3; 1979:4-6; 1979:7-9; 1979:10-12; 1979 Jan.-Mar.; 1979 Apr.-June; 1979 July-Sept.; 1979 Oct.-Dec.; 1980 Jan.-Mars; 1980:1-3; 1980:4-6; 1980:7-9; 1980:10-12; 1980 Apr.-June; 1980 July-Sept.; 1980 Oct.-Dec.; 1981 Avr.-Juin; 1981:1-4; 1981:5-8; 1981:9-12; 1981 Jan.-Mar.; 1981 July-Sept.; 1981 Oct.-Dec.; 1981:1-3; 1981:4-6; 1981:8; 1981:9; 1981:10-12; 1982 Jan.-Mars; 1982:1-4; 1982 Apr.-June; 1982:1-3; 1982:4-6; 1982:7-9; 1982:10-12; 1983:1-3; 1983:4-6; 1983:7-9; 1983:10-12 permanent
HathiTrust (HATHI) HTDL 1844 no.2; 1846 no.4; 1847 no.4; ser. 6:v.5 (1850); 1972 Jan-Mar; 1972 Apr-Jun; 1972 Jul-Sep; 1972 Oct-Dec; 1972:1-3; 1972:4-6; 1972:7-9; 1972:10-12; 1973 Oct.-Dec.; 1973 Jan-Feb; 1973 Apr; 1973 May-Jun; 1973 Jul-Sep; 1973 Jan.-Mar.; 1973 Apr.-June; 1973:1-3; 1973:4-6; 1973:7-9; 1973:10-12; 1974 Avr.-Juin; 1974 Jan-Mar; 1974 Jul-Sep; 1974 Oct-Dec; 1974:4; 1974:5; 1974:1-3; 1974:7-9; 1974:10-12; 1975 Jan-Mar; 1975 Apr-Jun; 1975 Jul-Sep; 1975 Oct-Dec; 1975:1-3; 1975:4-6; 1975:7-9; 1975:11; 1975:12; 1976 Jan-Mar; 1976 Apr-Jun; 1976 Jul-Sep; 1976 Oct.-Dec.; 1976:1-3; 1976:4-6; 1976:7-9; 1976:10-12; 1977 Jan.-Mar.; 1977 Apr.-June; 1977 July-Sept.; 1977 Oct.-Dec.; 1977:1-3; 1977:4-6; 1977:7-9; 1977:10-12; 1978 Apr.-June; 1978 Jan.-Mar.; 1978 July-Sept.; 1978 Oct.-Dec.; 1978:1-3; 1978:4-6; 1978:7-9; 1978:10-12; 1979 Jan.-Mar.; 1979 Apr.-June; 1979 July-Sept.; 1979 Oct.-Dec.; 1979:1-3; 1979:4-6; 1979:7-9; 1979:10-12; 1980 Jan.-Mars; 1980 Apr.-June; 1980 July-Sept.; 1980 Oct.-Dec.; 1980:1-3; 1980:4-6; 1980:7-9; 1980:10-12; 1981 Avr.-Juin; 1981 Jan.-Mar.; 1981 July-Sept.; 1981 Oct.-Dec.; 1981:1-3; 1981:4-6; 1981:8; 1981:9; 1981:10-12; 1982 Jan.-Mars; 1982 Apr.-June; 1982:1-3; 1982:4-6; 1982:7-9; 1982:10-12; 1983:1-3; 1983:4-6; 1983:7-9; 1983:10-12 permanent
Stanford Libraries Shared Print in Place (STF) WEST, WEST Gold 1972:janv.-1982:avril 20351231
University of Georgia (GUA) Scholars Trust 1972-1981; 1982:no.1-1982:no.4 20351231
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Shared Print in Storage (UIUSP) Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) Shared Print Repository 1972-1982:Apr. 20420630
Washington Research Library Consortium (CAO) Scholars Trust, WRLC 1972-1982 20351231

Digital Holdings

Program Holdings Description
EJSTOR (Jan 1972-Apr 1982)