Biennial report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Illinois for the years ...
- Publisher: Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Illinois
- Print ISSN:
- Electronic ISSN:
- OCLC Number: 24351087
- Subject: Education Illinois Periodicals.
- Subject code: L
- Publication history: 2nd (1857-58)-76th (July 1, 1968-June 30, 1970).
Print Holdings
Archiving Institution |
Program |
Holdings Description |
Retention |
Emory University (EMU) |
Scholars Trust |
1872/1874, 1876/1878, 1886/1888, 1912/1914-1916/1918, 1922/1924, 1934/1936-1940/1942, 1950/1952
HathiTrust (HATHI) |
1856-58; v.2 (1857/1858); 1858-60 1858-1860; v.3 (1859/1860); v.4 (1860/1862); 1861-1862; 1862-64 1862-1864; 1863-1864; v.5 (1863/1864); 1864-66 1864-1866; 1864-66; 1865-1866; 1866-68 1866-1868; 1867-1868; 1868-70 1968-1870; 1869-1870; 1870-72 1870-1872; 1870-72; v.9 (1870/1872); 1871-1872; 1872-74; v.10 (1872/1874); 1873-1874; 1875-1876; 1876-78 1876-1878; 1876-78; v.12 (1876/1878); 1877-1878; 1878-80; 1878-1880; v.13 (1878/1880); 1880-82; 1880-1882; 1882-84 1882-1884; 1882-1884; 1884-86 1884-1886; 1884-86; 1886-88; 1886-1888; 1888-90 1888-1890; 1888-90; 1890-92 1890-1892; 1894-96 1894-1896; 1894-1896; v.21 (1894/1896); 1896-98 1896-1898; 1896-1898; 1896-98; v.22 (1896/1898); 1898-00 1898-1900; 1898-1900; v.23 (1898/1900); 1900-02 1900-1902; 1900-02; 1900-1902; 1902-04; 1902-1904; 1904-06 1904-1906; 1904-06; 1904-1906; 1906-1908; 1908-1910; v.28 (1908/1910); 1910-12; 1910-1912; 1912-1914; 1912-14; 1914-16 1914-1916; 1914-16; v.31 (1914/1916); 1918-20 1918-1920; 1918-20; 1922-1924; 1922-24; 1924-26 1924-1926; 1924-1926; 1924-26; 1926-28; 1926-1928; 1927-28 1927-1928; 1928-1930; 1930-32; 1930-1932; 1932-34; 1932-1934; 1934-1936; 1934-36; 1936-1938; 1936-38; 1934-40; 1938-40 1938-1940; 1938-1940; 1938-40; 1940-41; 1940-42; 1942/1944-1944/1946; 1946-48 1946-1948; 1946-48; 1948-50; 1949-50 1949-1950; 1950-52; 1952-54; 1954-56; 1956-58; 1958-60; 1960-62 1960-1962; 1960-62; 1962-64; 1962-1964; 1964-66; 1966-68; 1970-71
HathiTrust (HATHI) |
1856-58; v.2 (1857/1858); 1858-60 1858-1860; v.3 (1859/1860); v.4 (1860/1862); 1861-1862; 1862-64 1862-1864; 1863-1864; v.5 (1863/1864); 1864-66 1864-1866; 1864-66; 1865-1866; 1866-68 1866-1868; 1867-1868; 1868-70 1968-1870; 1869-1870; 1870-72 1870-1872; 1870-72; v.9 (1870/1872); 1871-1872; 1872-74; v.10 (1872/1874); 1873-1874; 1875-1876; 1876-78 1876-1878; 1876-78; v.12 (1876/1878); 1877-1878; 1878-80 1878-1880; 1878-80; 1878-1880; v.13 (1878/1880); 1880-82; 1880-1882; 1882-84 1882-1884; 1882-1884; 1884-86 1884-1886; 1884-86; 1886-88; 1886-1888; 1888-90 1888-1890; 1888-90; 1890-92 1890-1892; 1894-96 1894-1896; 1894-1896; v.21 (1894/1896); 1896-98 1896-1898; 1896-1898; 1896-98; v.22 (1896/1898); 1898-00 1898-1900; 1898-1900; v.23 (1898/1900); 1900-02 1900-1902; 1900-02; 1900-1902; 1902-04; 1902-1904; 1904-06 1904-1906; 1904-06; 1904-1906; 1906-1908; 1908-1910; v.28 (1908/1910); 1910-12; 1910-1912; 1912-14 1912-1914; 1912-1914; 1912-14; 1914-16 1914-1916; 1914-16; v.31 (1914/1916); 1916-18 1916-1918; 1918-20 1918-1920; 1918-20; 1922-1924; 1922-24; 1924-26 1924-1926; 1924-1926; 1924-26; 1926-28; 1926-1928; 1927-28 1927-1928; 1928-1930; 1930-32; 1930-1932; 1932-34; 1932-1934; 1934-1936; 1934-36; 1936-1938; 1936-38; 1934-40; 1938-40 1938-1940; 1938-1940; 1938-40; 1940-41; 1940-42; 1942/1944-1944/1946; 1946-48 1946-1948; 1946-48; 1948-50; 1949-50 1949-1950; 1950-52; 1952-54; 1954-56; 1956-58; 1958-60; 1960-62 1960-1962; 1960-62; 1962-64; 1962-1964; 1964-66; 1966-68; 1970-71