Archiving Institution |
Program |
Holdings Description |
Retention |
Center for Research Libraries Serials (CRL) |
CRLSerials |
v.33-v.38 (1977-1982)
Duke University Library (NDD) |
Scholars Trust |
HathiTrust (HATHI) |
v.24 1968; v.A25 pt.1 yr.1969; v.A25 pt.2 yr.1969 pg.495-0732; v.25:1-3 (1969); v.25:4-6 (1969); v.26 (1970); v.27 (1971); v.A29 yr.1973 pg.001-0774; v.29 (1973); v.A30 yr.1974; v.30 A; v.30 1974; v.31:1-5 (1975); v.31:6 (1975) (includes S; v.A32 pt.1 yr.1976; v.32 1976; v.A33 pt.1-3 yr.1977 pg.001-0526; A34 1978; v.A34 pt.1 yr.1978 pg.001-0480; v.A34 pt.2 yr.1978 pg.481-1048; v.34 1978 p.1-480; v.34 1978 p.481-1048; v.34 1978; v.A35 pt.1 yr.1979 pg.001-0510; v.A35 pt.2 yr.1979 pg.511-1090; v.34 pt.1; v.34 no.4-6; v.35 pt.1; v.35 1979 no.1-3 p.1-510; v.35 1979 no.4-6 p.511-1090; v.A36 pt.1 yr.1980 pg.001-0502; v.A36 pt.2 yr.1980 pg.503-1096; v.35 no.5-6; v.36A 1980; v.36 no.1-3; v.36 1980 no.1-3 p.1-502; v.36 no.4-6; v.36 1980 no.4-6 p.503-1096; v.A37 pt.1 yr.1981 pg.001-0448; v.37 1981; v.37A 1981; v.37 no.1-4; v.37 1981 no.1-3; v.37 1981 no.4-6 p.449-944; v.29-38 yr.1973-82; v.37 no.5-6; v.38 JUL/NOV 1982; v.38 JAN/MAY 1982; v.38 no.1-3 yr.1982 pg.001-0400; v.38 1982 no.1-3 p.1-400; v.38 no.4-6 yr.1982 pg.401-0880; v.38 1982 no.4-6 p.401-880; SUPPLEMENT: v.A37 pt.2 yr.1981 pg.449-0944 sup.; Suppl.; index: v.024-28 yr.1968-72 mi.index; index: v.A33 pt.2 yr.1977 pg.527-1046 mi.index; index v.29-38 (1973-82); v.30 B index 1974; index; index 29-38
Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology (LHL) |
Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology |
v.25 (1969), v.28, v.31, v.34, v.37 (1981)
Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology (LHL) |
Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology |
v.24-v.38 (1968-1982)
University of California, San Diego Shared Print in Place (CUS) |
WEST, WEST Bronze, UCL Shared Print |
University of Florida (FUG) |
Florida Academic Repository (FLARE), Scholars Trust |
v.A24(1968)-v.A38(1982); Suppl. v.A37(1981)
University of Massachusetts Amherst (AUM) |
24 (1968)-38 (1982)
University of Washington Shared Print in Place (WAU) |
WEST, WEST Bronze |
v.24(1968)-v.38(1982), v.24-38(1968-1982)
Washington Research Library Consortium (CAO) |
Scholars Trust, WRLC |
v.24 (1968)-v.38 (1982)