Report of the directors to the stockholders of the Quincy Mining Company for the year ending.

  • Publisher: [The Company]
  • Print ISSN:
  • Electronic ISSN:
  • OCLC Number: 30390231
  • Subject: Copper mines and mining Michigan Houghton County.
  • Subject code:
  • Publication history: 1862-1934.

Print Holdings

Archiving Institution Program Holdings Description Retention
HathiTrust (HATHI) HTDL 1862-1866; 1868; 1872; 1874; 1876; 1881-1882; 1884-1885; 1887-1892; 1894; 1896-1930 permanent
HathiTrust (HATHI) HTDL 1862-1866; 1868; 1872; 1874; 1876; 1881-1882; 1884-1885; 1887-1892; 1894; 1896-1930 permanent