Fiskeri : fangster landet i EF-mængder og værdier = Fischerei : Menge und Wert der Anlandungenin der EC = Fisheries : quantity and value of landings in the EC= Pêche : quantetés et valerus des débarquements dans la EC = Pesca : quantità e valori degri sbarchi nella CEE = Visserij : hoeveelheid en waarde van de aanvoer in de EG / Eurostat.

  • Publisher: Europæiske fællesskabers statistiske kontor
  • Print ISSN: 0250-4383
  • Electronic ISSN:
  • OCLC Number: 6827729
  • Subject: Fishery products European Economic Community countries Statistics Periodicals.
  • Subject code: S
  • Publication history: 1980, 1-1986-4.

Print Holdings

Archiving Institution Program Holdings Description Retention
HathiTrust (HATHI) HTDL 1980; 1980 no.1; 1980 no.2; 1980 no.3; 1980 no.4; 1980-81; 1981; 1981 no.1; 1981 no.2-4; 1981 no.2; 1981 no.3; 1981 no.4; 1982; 1982:1; 1982 no.1-4; 1982 no.1; 1982 no.2; 1982 no.3; 1982 no.4; 1983:1; no.1 (1983) permanent