Archiving Institution |
Program |
Holdings Description |
Retention |
HathiTrust (HATHI) |
Ser.AIII 1938; Ser.AIII 1939; Ser.AIII 1940; Ser.AIII 1941; Ser.AIII 1942; Ser.AIII 1943; Ser.AIII 1944; Ser.AIII 1945; Ser.AII 1945-46; Ser.AI 1945-46; Ser.AIII 1946; Ser.AIII 1947; Ser.AII 1947-48; Ser.AI 1947-48; Ser.AIII 1948; Ser.AIII 1949; Ser.AI 1949-50; Ser.AIII 1950; Ser.AIII 1951; Ser.AI 1951-52; Ser.AIII 1952; Ser.AIII 1953
Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology (LHL) |
Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology |
Collective Index: 1923/32