Technical report series of the Laboratory for Research in Statistics and Probability =

  • Publisher: [The Laboratory = La Laboratoire]:
  • Print ISSN: 0823-1664
  • Electronic ISSN: 0823-1664
  • OCLC Number: 11382038
  • Subject: Statistics.
  • Subject code: QA
  • Publication history:

Print Holdings

Archiving Institution Program Holdings Description Retention
HathiTrust (HATHI) HTDL no.1-10 1983; no.11-20 1983-1984; no.21-30 1984; no.31-40 1984; no.41-50 1984; no.51-60 1985; no.71-80 1985-1986; no.81-90 1986; no.61-70 1985-1987; no.91-100 1986-1987; no.101-110 1987-1988; no.111-120 1988; no.121-130 1988-1989; no.131-140 1989; no.141-150 1989-90; no.151-160 1990-91; no.161-170 1991; no.171-180 1991; no.181-190 1991-92; no.191-200 1992 permanent