Contributions to education.
- Publisher: Extension Division. University of Nebraska
- Print ISSN: 0897-6937
- Electronic ISSN:
- OCLC Number: 2264770
- Subject: Education United States.
- Subject code: L
- Publication history: -no. 41; -1971.
Print Holdings
Archiving Institution |
Program |
Holdings Description |
Retention |
HathiTrust (HATHI) |
no.1; no.2; no.3 1931; no.4; no.5; no.7 1931; no.8; no.9; no.10; no.16; no.17; no.18; no.19; no.20; no.22-26; no.23; no.24; no.25; no.26; no.27-31; no.27; no.28; no.29 1931; no.30; no.31; no.32-36; no.32 1931; no.7-17(1935-1941); no.19 1942; no.20-30(1943-1953); no.38-39
University of Florida (FUG) |
Florida Academic Repository (FLARE), Scholars Trust |
no.21-22, no.26-32, no.34, no.36-41