Special report / FERIC, Forest Engineering Research Institute of Canada = Institut canadien de recherches en génie forestier.

  • Publisher: The Institute
  • Print ISSN: 0381-7733
  • Electronic ISSN:
  • OCLC Number: 1080356315
  • Subject: Forest machinery.
  • Subject code: S
  • Publication history: #1 (Jan. 1976)-no. SR-134 (Dec. 1999).

Print Holdings

Archiving Institution Program Holdings Description Retention
HathiTrust (HATHI) HTDL no.SR-1-14(msg.6,8,9) (1976-81); no.SR-15-23(msg.19) (1981-85); no.SR-24-30 (1984-85); no.SR-31-36 (1985-86); no.SR-37-50(msg.43,45) (1986-88); no.SR-51-63 (1988-90); no.SR-64-75 (1990); no.SR-76-92 (msg.87) (1991-94); no.SR-93-107 (1994-96); no.SR-109-118 (1996-97); no.SR-120 (1997); no.SR-121 (1997); no.SR-122 (1997); no.SR-123 (1997); no.SR-124 (1997); no.SR-125 (1997); no.SR-127 (1998); no.SR-128 (1998); no.SR-129 (1998); no.SR-126 (1998); no.SR-130 (1999); no.SR-131 (1999); no.SR-134 (1999); no.SR-108 (1995-2001); no.SR-119 (1997-2001) permanent