Archiving Institution |
Program |
Holdings Description |
Retention |
Center for Research Libraries Serials (CRL) |
CRLSerials |
v.4:no.8 (Aug 1948), v.5-v.9:no.9 (1949-1953), v.10-v.11 (1954-1955), v.13-v.40:no.6 (1957-Jun 1984)
HathiTrust (HATHI) |
t.39 nr.1-5,7-12 1983; t.40 nr.2-12 1984; t.41 1985; t.42 1986; t.43 1987; t.44 1988; t.45 1989; t.46 nr.4-12 1990; t.47 nr.1-10 1991; t.48 1992; t.49 1993; t.50 1994
Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology (LHL) |
Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology |
Tom 53 no. 10; Tom 54 no. 1; v14(1958)-32(1976)