Annual report of the building, savings, and loan associations of the state of North Dakota.

  • Publisher:
  • Print ISSN:
  • Electronic ISSN:
  • OCLC Number: 64211255
  • Subject: Finance North Dakota.
  • Subject code: H
  • Publication history: 1889/90-

Print Holdings

Archiving Institution Program Holdings Description Retention
HathiTrust (HATHI) HTDL no.1 (1889/90); no.3 (1891/92); no.5-7 (1893-96); no.9-13 (1897-1902); no.15-17 (1903-06); no.18-20 (1906-09); 1913-1916; 1916-38; 1938/1939; 1940/41-1959/60; 1961/1962; 1963/1964; 1965/1966; 1967/1968 permanent
HathiTrust (HATHI) HTDL no.1 (1889/90); no.3 (1891/92); no.5-7 (1893-96); no.9-13 (1897-1902); no.15-17 (1903-06); no.18-20 (1906-09); 1913-1916; 1916-38; 1938/1939; 1940/41-1959/60; 1961/1962; 1963/1964; 1965/1966; 1967/1968 permanent