Bulletin / Indiana Department of Conservation, Geological Survey.

  • Publisher: Printed by authority of the State of Indiana: for sale by Geological Survey, Indiana Department of Conservation
  • Print ISSN: 0160-3388
  • Electronic ISSN:
  • OCLC Number: 1667315
  • Subject: Geology Indiana.
  • Subject code: QE
  • Publication history: No. 5-no. 30.

Print Holdings

Archiving Institution Program Holdings Description Retention
HathiTrust (HATHI) HTDL no.6-7 1952; no.8-11; no.9 1956; v.6-10 1952-57; v.11-15 1957-1958; no.12-14; no.15-17; no.15-21 (1958-60); no.17-19 1960; no.18-21; no.19 1960; no.21 1960; v.16-20 1960; no.22-24; no.23 1961; v.21-25 1960-1962; no.25-30; no.25-29 (1963); no.25-26 1963; no.28 1963; no.29 1963; no.29-30 1963-1964; no.30 1964; v.26-35 1963-1965; no.30-35 (1964-1965) permanent
Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology (LHL) Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology v.5-v.30 (1951-1964)