Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
The Japanese journal of animal reproduction = Kachiku hanshokugaku zasshi. |
Japanese Society of Animal Reproduction |
0385-9932 |
The Japanese journal of experimental medicine. |
Institute of Infectious Diseases |
0021-5031 |
The Japanese journal of pharmacology : official publication of the Japanese Pharmacological Society. |
The Society |
0021-5198 |
The Jewish quarterly. |
Jewish Literary Trust |
0449-010X |
The Jewish social work forum. |
Alumni Association, Wurzweiler School of Social Work, Yeshiva University |
0021-6712 |
The Journal of adult education. |
British Institute of Adult Education |
The Journal of applied nutrition. |
International College of Applied Nutrition |
0021-8960 |
The journal of baccalaureate social work. |
Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors |
1084-7219 |
The journal of behavioral finance / a publication of the Institute of Psychology and Markets and LEA [i.e. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates] |
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Taylor & Francis |
1542-7560 |
The journal of biocommunication. |
Association of Medical Illustrators |
0094-2499 |
The journal of business forecasting |
Graceway Pub. Co |
1930126X |
The Journal of business forecasting methods & systems |
Graceway Pub. Co |
02786087 |
The Journal of clinical endocrinology & metabolism. |
Issued for the Endocrine Society by the Williams & Wilkins Co. |
0021-972X |
The Journal of college admissions : [journal of the National Association of College Admissions Counselors] |
The Association |
0734-6670 |
The Journal of commercial bank lending. |
Robert Morris Associates |
0021-986X |
The Journal of commercial lending. |
Robert Morris Associates |
1062-6271 |
The Journal of continuing education in family medicine. |
Medical Digest, inc |
0149-0273 |
The Journal of continuing education in nursing. |
C. B. Slack, inc |
0022-0124 |
The Journal of continuing education in the health professions |
Taylor & Francis |
0894-1912 |
The Journal of dairy research. |
Cambridge University press |
0022-0299 |