Search Results

511 results for facility: Charles E. Shain Library (U Conn) - page 22 of 26
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The drama. Dramatic Pub. Co.
The Dublin magazine. New Square Publications 0012-687X
The ecologist. Ecosystems Ltd. ; Distributed in North America by the MIT Press 0261-3131
The Ecologist. Ecosystems Ltd. 0012-9631
The Family. American Association for Organizing Family Social Work 0887-400X
The FEBS journal. Published by Blackwell Pub. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies 1742-464X
The freeman. Freeman Inc.
The Gallup poll. Scholarly Resources 0195-962X
The Garden journal of the New York Botanical Garden. The Garden
The Garden magazine. Doubleday, Page & Co.
The Georgetown law journal. Georgetown Law Journal Association 0016-8092
The Golden book magazine. Review of Reviews Corp
The Grants register. St. James Press 0072-5471
The Ibis. Published for the British Ornithologists' Union by Academic Press 0019-1019
The Independent and the weekly review. National Weekly Corp
The Independent. Published for the proprietors by S.W. Benedict
The journal of proceedings and addresses of the National Educational Association. The Association
The Latin American competitiveness report. Oxford University Press 1549-6449
The Living bird. Laboratory of Ornithology, Cornell University 0459-6137
The magazine antiques. Antiques, Inc.
511 results for facility: Charles E. Shain Library (U Conn) - page 22 of 26