Search Results

86 results for facility: DiMenna-Nyselius Library (Fairfield University) - page 1 of 5
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
American heritage of invention & technology. American Heritage 8756-7296
Automation express. International Physical Index 0005-1209
Beijing review = Pei-ching chou pao. Beijing Review : China International Book Trading Corp. [distributor] 1000-9140
Bennington review. Bennington College 0522-8999
Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Cambridge University Press for the Cambridge Philosophical Society 0006-3231
Black heritage. S. C. Watkins 0197-8810
Bulletin de philosophie médiévale. Société internationale pour l'étude de la philosophie médiévale 0068-4023
Bulletin of research in the humanities. Readex Books 0160-0168
Business in the contemporary world. Bentley College 1041-8482
Caring : National Association for Home Care magazine. The Association 0738-467X
Case studies in atomic physics. North-Holland Pub. Co. 0300-4503
Central states speech journal. Central States Speech Association 0008-9575
Chicago studies. Liturgy Training Publications, etc 0009-3718
Christus. s.n. 0009-5834
Christus. Centro de Reflexión Teológica 0009-5842
Company. Jesuit Conference 0886-1293
Conflict resolution quarterly. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1536-5581
Connecticut bar journal. Connecticut Bar Association 0010-6070
Cutting tool engineering. CTE Pubications, etc 0011-4189
Envio. Instituto Histâorico Centroamericano 0259-4374
86 results for facility: DiMenna-Nyselius Library (Fairfield University) - page 1 of 5