Search Results

243 results for facility: Trinity College Library - page 10 of 13
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Spectroscopy letters. M. Dekker 0038-7010
Statistical bulletin. Conference Board 0010-5554
Storia contemporanea. Società editrice il Mulino 0039-1875
Synthetic methods of organic chemistry = Synthetische Methoden der organischen Chemie. S. Karger 0082-1136
Synthetische Methoden der organischen Chemie = S. Karger
Taipei review. Kwang Hwa Pub. Co. ; 1608-702X
Television quarterly. National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences 0040-2796
Text. Mouton Publishers 0165-4888
Thamyris intersecting. Rodopi 1570-7253
The AFL-CIO American federationist. American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations 0149-2489
The American Geographical Society's focus on geography. Published by the Society in cooperation with the Dept. of Geography, University of Kansas 1549-4934
The anatomical record. Wiley-Liss 1552-4906
The Black man. Kraus-Thomson Organization 0363-9355
The Black warrior review / the University of Alabama. The University 0193-6301
The British studies monitor. Anglo-American Associates 0007-1846
The Cambridge journal. Bowes & Bowes
The Chinese economy : translations and studies. M.E. Sharpe 1097-1475
The Connecticut quarterly. [Connecticut Quarterly Co.] 0197-2464
The Connecticut Valley Indian : an introduction to their archaeology and history Springfield Museum of Science 0590-6725
The crusader. Garland Pub.
243 results for facility: Trinity College Library - page 10 of 13