Search Results

243 results for facility: Trinity College Library - page 6 of 13
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society. Pakistan Historical Society 0030-9796
Journal of the philosophy of sport. Human Kinetics Publishers [etc.] 0094-8705
Kayak. s.n. 0022-9555
L'Autre journal. SA CITAREF
L'Autre journal. SARL l'Autre journal 0765-4413
L'Esprit international = Librairie Hachette
L'illustration : journal universel. J.J. Dubochet ; 0246-9251
L'Infini. Editions Denoël 0754-023X
La revue de Paris. Bureau de la Revue de Paris 0223-3274
La Revue musicale. Editions de la Nouvelle revue française 0768-1593
Language & communication. Pergamon 0271-5309
Language and cognitive processes. VNU Science Press 0169-0965
Latin American Indian literatures journal. Dept. of Foreign Languages at Geneva College 0888-5613
Laurels. American Society of the French Legion of Honor 0270-3793
Laverna. Scripta Mercaturae Verlag 0938-5835
Le bulletin de la S.H.M.C. Société d'histoire moderne et contemporaine 1243-8804
Lectura Dantis. Italian Program, Dept. of Spanish, Italian, and Portugese, University of Virginia 0897-5280
Literary & linguistic computing : journal of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing. Oxford University Press 0268-1145
Look. Cowles Communications, etc 0024-6336
Mechanical engineering : the journal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The Society 0025-6501
243 results for facility: Trinity College Library - page 6 of 13