Search Results

262 results for facility: Loyola Notre Dame Library - page 10 of 14
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Research in nursing & health. Wiley Subscription Services 0160-6891
Revista anthropos. Proyecto a Ediciones 1137-3636
Romance quarterly. University Press of Kentucky 0883-1157
S.A.M. advanced management journal. Society for Advancement of Management 0036-0805
Saturday review of the arts. Saturday Review Co. 0091-8563
Saturday review of the sciences. Saturday Review Co. 0091-8547
Saturday review of the society. Saturday Review Co. 0091-8571
Saudi Aramco world. Aramco Services Co. 1530-5821
School arts. Davis Press 0036-6463
School psychology review. National Association of School Psychologists 0279-6015
Science digest. Science Digest, Inc. 0036-8296
Sign. Passionist Missions 0037-4873
Social justice review. Central Bureau, Catholic Central Union of America 0037-7767
Social order. Institute of Social Order 0583-6832
Southern humanities review. Auburn University 0038-4186
Spirit. Dept. of English, Seton Hall University, etc 0038-7584
Spirituality today. Dominicans, Province of St. Albert the Great 0162-6760
St. Nicholas. Scribner & Co.
St. Vladimir's theological quarterly. St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary 0036-3227
Standard & Poor's industry surveys. Standard & Poor's Corp 0196-4666
262 results for facility: Loyola Notre Dame Library - page 10 of 14