Search Results

250 results for facility: Mount Holyoke Library, Information, & Technology Services (LITS) - page 5 of 13
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Excavations on the North slope of the Acropolis. [Reports].
Faulkner studies. Published in cooperation with the Dept. of English, University of Miami 0885-7245
Film review annual. J.S. Ozer 0737-9080
Florilegium. Carleton University 0709-5201
Fruits. Fruits 0760-7237
Funky lady. Mount Holyoke College
Glimmer train stories. Glimmer Train Press 1055-7520
Historia speĢcial. Editions Tallandier 0241-712X
Humana Festival ... : Smith and Kraus 1935-4452
Iberica : Verlag der Hanseatischen Verlagsanstalt A.-G
Industrialization and productivity; bulletin. United Nations, Industrial Development Organization 0073-7690
Inter-American affairs. Columbia University Press
International bibliography of research in marriage and the family. University of Minnesota Press in association with the Institute of Life Insurance for the Minnesota Family Study Center 0095-4551
International encyclopedia of psychiatry, psychology, psychoanalysis, & neurology. Aesculapius
International trade. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
John Willis' theatre world. Crown Publishers 1088-4556
Journal of contemplative psychotherapy. Naropa Institute 0894-8577
Journal of contemplative psychotherapy. Nalanda Press 0271-7557
Journal of modern literature. Temple University
Knowledge and society. JAI Press 0278-1557
250 results for facility: Mount Holyoke Library, Information, & Technology Services (LITS) - page 5 of 13