Search Results

9317 results for facility: W. E. B. Du Bois Library (University of Massachusetts Amherst) - page 60 of 466
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Bibliographie géographique internationale. International geographical bibliography. Laboratoire d'information et de documentation en geographie, Centre national de la recherche scientifique [etc.] 0067-6993
Bibliographie générale des sciences juridiques, politiques, économiques et sociales de 1800 à 1925-26. Librairie du Recueil Sirey (Société Anonyme)
Bibliographie géographique annuelle. Librarie A. Colin
Bibliographie géographique. Librarie A. Colin
Bibliographie littéraire. A. Colin 1154-3744
Bibliographie nationale française. notices établies par la Bibliothèque nationale. Bibliotháeque nationale, Office gâenâeral du livre 1142-3269
Bibliographie nationale française. notices établies par la Bibliothèque nationale. Bibliothèque nationale, Office général du livre 1142-3277
Bibliographie palynologie / Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Editions du Muséum 0249-762X
Bibliographie Speciale Analytique. Special Annotated Bibliography 0474-5868
Bibliography of ... publications of university bureaus of business and economic research / Associated University Bureaus of Business and Economic Research. Bureau of Business Research, University of Oregon 0066-8761
Bibliography of agricultural sciences in Japan. Science and Technology Agency
Bibliography of American paleobotany. Indiana University, etc 0193-5720
Bibliography of cases. Division of Research, Harvard Business School :
Bibliography of critical and biographical references for the study of contemporary French literature. Modern Language Association of America 0897-6090
Bibliography of family planning & population. Simon Population Trust 0300-1598
Bibliography of interlingual scientific and technical dictionaries = Bibliographie de dictionnaires scientifiques et techniques multilingues. Unesco 0067-7205
Bibliography of Latin American bibliographies. Secretariat, Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials, Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison 0884-3902
Bibliography of modern Hebrew literature in translation / by Isaac Goldberg. Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature 0334-309X
Bibliography of periodical literature : accessions to the Library of the Society of Antiquaries of London. The Society 0961-1940
Bibliography of proceedings of international meetings. 0503-2393
9317 results for facility: W. E. B. Du Bois Library (University of Massachusetts Amherst) - page 60 of 466