Search Results

1141 results for facility: Duke University Library Service Center (LSC) - page 53 of 58
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry. American Chemical Society, c1908-[1922] 0095-9014
The journal of physical chemistry. American Chemical Society 1089-5639
The journal of physical chemistry. American Chemical Society 1520-6106
The Journal of supercritical fluids. PRA Press 0896-8446
The Knight-Ridder CRB commodity yearbook / Commodity Research Bureau, Knight-Ridder Financial Publishing. John Wiley & Sons 1074-1933
The Living age. Living Age Co.
The Living age. E. Littell & Co.
The Magazine of business.
The Mountain world. G. Allen and Unwin, Ltd. [etc.] Rand McNally and Co. 0580-0781
The National preacher. s.n.
The North Carolina year book. News and Observer
The Official guide to American incomes New Strategist
The Oriental economist's Japan economic yearbook. The Oriental Economist 0075-3246
The Philadelphia Museum bulletin. The Museum 0899-059X
The proceedings of the European Regional Conference on Electron Microscopy. De Nederlandse vereniging voor electronenmicroscopie
The protein journal. Kluwer Academic/Plenum 1572-3887
The Quarterly journal of the Chemical Society of London. Butterworths Scientific Publications
The Review of physical chemistry of Japan. Physico-Chemical Society of Japan 0034-6675
The scientific journal of the Royal College of Science. 0371-0467
The South African industrial chemist. 0370-8225
1141 results for facility: Duke University Library Service Center (LSC) - page 53 of 58