Search Results

5306 results for facility: University of Pittsburgh Hillman Library - page 7 of 266
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Advances in mass spectrometry. Applied Science Publishers [etc.] 0568-000X
Advances in mathematical programming and financial planning. Jai Press 1048-4760
Advances in molecular and cell biology. JAI Press 1569-2558
Advances in multi-photon processes and spectroscopy. World Scientific 0218-0227
Advances in neurochemistry. Plenum Press 0098-6089
Advances in nutritional research. Plenum Press 0149-9483
Advances in personal construct psychology. Jai Press 1051-5534
Advances in personal relationships. JAI Press
Advances in psychophysiology. JAI Press 0892-7901
Advances in qualitative organization research. JAI Press
Advances in reading/language research. JAI Press 0735-0171
Advances in research and theories of school management and educational policy. JAI Press
Advances in software science and technology / Japan Society for Software Science and Technology. Academic Press 1044-7997
Advances in soil science. Springer-Verlag 0176-9340
Advances in steroid biochemistry and pharmacology. Academic Press 0065-339X
Advances in the behavioral measurement of children. JAI Press 8755-2078
Advances in the teaching of modern languages. Macmillan Co. 0065-3462
Advances in water pollution research : proceedings of the international conference held in ... Symposium Publications Division, Pergamon Press 0065-3535
Aesthetic papers, 1849. Scholars' Facsimiles & Reprints
Aether d'animaux.
5306 results for facility: University of Pittsburgh Hillman Library - page 7 of 266