Search Results

3303 results for facility: University of Rochester Rush Rhees Library - page 69 of 166
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal de la Societe des africanistes. [Société des africanistes] 0037-9166
Journal des africanistes. [Société des africanistes] 0399-0346
Journal for higher education management : The Association 1077-3398
Journal of arts and letters. Brothers of the Christian Schools
Journal of black poetry. s.n. 0021-9339
Journal of comparative literature. McClure, Phillips & Co.
Journal of contemporary art. Journal of Contemporary Art 0897-2400
Journal of D.H. Lawrence studies : D.H. Lawrence Society
Journal of data management : official publication of the Data Processing Management Association, DPMA. The Association 0449-2412
Journal of educational equity and leadership. Published by the University Council for Educational Administration in cooperation with Arizona State University 0275-4347
Journal of existential psychiatry. Libra Publishers 0733-1428
Journal of expression. Expression Co.
Journal of integral theory and practice. Integral Institute 1944-5083
Journal of interdisciplinary studies. Institute for Interdisciplinary Research 0890-0132
Journal of Jewish bibliography. [Journal of Jewish bibliography]
Journal of pastoral psychotherapy. Haworth Press 0886-5477
Journal of pedagogy.
Journal of psychological studies. Journal of Psychological Studies
Journal of psychotherapy as a religious process Institute for Rankian Psychoanalysis 0447-9467
Journal of religious psychology. [L.N. Wilson]
3303 results for facility: University of Rochester Rush Rhees Library - page 69 of 166