Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
American prints today. |
Print Council of America |
0569-7085 |
American renaissance literary report. |
Transcendental Books |
American scientific books. |
R.R. Bowker |
1555-7987 |
An Introductory bibliography for Japanese studies. |
Japan Foundation |
Analecta ecclesiastica. |
[publisher not identified] |
Anales / |
Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia |
0374-5317 |
Anales de arqueologâia y etnologâia / Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Facultad de Filosofâia y Letras. |
Instituto de Historia y Disciplinas Auxiliares, Secciâon Arqueologâia y Etnologia |
0325-0288 |
Analysis of workers' compensation laws. |
Chamber of Commerce of the United States |
0191-118X |
Ancient India. |
Director General of Archaeology in India |
Andover Newton bulletin. |
Andover Newton Theological School |
Anima. |
Conococheague Associates, inc |
0097-1146 |
Annales d'histoire sociale. |
Johnson Reprint |
Annali - Sezione romanza. |
Istituto universitario orientale |
0547-2121 |
Annali lateranensi. |
[publisher not identified] |
Annals of child development. |
JAI Press |
0747-7902 |
Annals of theoretical psychology. |
Plenum Press |
0747-5241 |
Année africaine. |
Éditions A. Pedone |
0570-1937 |
Annuaire de l'Afrique et du Moyen-Orient. |
Groupe "Jeune Afrique" |
Annuaire de la presse française et étrangère et du monde politique. |
s.n. |
Annuaire des beaux-arts de Belgique. |
Edition Maurice de Behogne |