Search Results

2698 results for facility: Syracuse University Bird Library - page 2 of 135
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
A Survey of recent developments in nine captive countries / Assembly of Captive European Nations. ACEN Secretariat 0571-4834
AAASS newsletter. American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies 0883-9549
AAMA motor vehicle facts & figures. Government Affairs Division of the American Automobile Manufacturers Association
Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Hansischen Universita?t B.G. Teubner
Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt in Wien 0375-5797
Abortion bibliography for ... / compiled by Mary K. Floyd. Whitson Pub. Co. 0092-9522
Abraham Lincoln Association papers. The Association 0732-314X
Abraxas. Humanities Division, Southampton College 0360-1404
Abstracts / the American Academy of Religion. Scholars Press 0164-1816
Abstracts for the AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting. American Geophysical Union
Abstracts of efficiency studies in the hospital service. H.M. Stationery Off. 0001-3552
Abstracts of graduate theses Middle East Technical University
Abstracts of papers read at the ... annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society. The Society 0893-1305
Abstracts of Sikh studies. Institute of Sikh Studies
Academic library statistics. Association of Research Libraries 0571-6519
Accord. Update Conciliation Resources
Accounting standards. Financial Accounting Standards Board. The Board ; Distributed by McGraw-Hill 0888-7896
Accounting trends & techniques. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants 1531-4340
Accounting trends and techniques in published corporate annual reports / The Institute
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation : [proceedings] / sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH in cooperation with Eurographics. Association for Computing Machinery 1548-4580
2698 results for facility: Syracuse University Bird Library - page 2 of 135