Search Results

4774 results for facility: University of Washington Auxiliary Stacks - page 209 of 239
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Chinese economy : translations and studies. M.E. Sharpe 1097-1475
The Chinese journal of mechanics. Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, R.O.C. 1680-0893
The Choral journal. American Choral Directors Association 0009-5028
The CLAO journal : official publication of the Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists, Inc The Association 0733-8902
The Clinical investigator Springer International 0941-0198
The Clinical journal of pain. Raven Press 0749-8047
The Coleopterists' bulletin. The Coleopterists' Society 0010-065X
The Communist bloc and the western alliances : Institute for Strategic Studies
The Conservator. IIC United Kingdom Group 0140-0096
The Continental Bank journal of applied corporate finance. Stern Stewart Management Services 0898-4484
The Cornell hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. School of Hotel Administration, Cornell University 0010-8804
The Crown colonist. Crown Colonist
The Data base for advances in information systems : a quarterly publication of SIGBIT. Association for Computing Machinery 1532-0936
The De-acquisitions librarian. Haworth Press 0098-2121
The Dental journal of Australia 0366-9270
The Dental magazine and oral topics. Oral Topics Ltd. 0308-2245
The Diabetes educator. American Association of Diabetes Educators 0145-7217
The Dostoevsky journal : an independent review. C. Schlacks, Jr. 1535-5314
The Dreiser newsletter. English Dept. at Indiana State University 0012-6098
The electronic library : the international journal for minicomputer, microcomputer, and software applications in libraries. Learned Information 0264-0473
4774 results for facility: University of Washington Auxiliary Stacks - page 209 of 239