Search Results

5633 results for facility: Indiana University Auxiliary Library Facility - page 254 of 282
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Canadian geographer. Géographe canadien. Published for the Canadian Association of Geographers by the University of Toronto Press 0008-3658
The Canadian journal of chemical engineering. Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering 0008-4034
The Canadian journal of statistics = Revue canadienne de statistique. Statistical Science Association of Canada 0319-5724
The Career development quarterly. National Career Development Association 0889-4019
The chemical engineering journal and the biochemical engineering journal. Elsevier Sequoia S.A. 0923-0467
The Chemical engineering journal. Elsevier Sequoia S.A. 0300-9467
The Chemurgic digest. Chemurgic Council 0009-3181
The Clinical investigator Springer International 0941-0198
The Columbia journal of world business. s.n. 0022-5428
The Continental Bank journal of applied corporate finance. Stern Stewart Management Services 0898-4484
The Cornell hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. School of Hotel Administration, Cornell University 0010-8804
The Counseling psychologist. Sage Publications, etc 0011-0000
The Critical quarterly. s.n. 0011-1562
The ecologist. Ecosystems Ltd. ; Distributed in North America by the MIT Press 0261-3131
The Ecologist. Ecosystems Ltd. 0012-9631
The Economic record. Economic Society of Australia [etc.] 0013-0249
The economics of transition Published by Oxford University Press for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 0967-0750
The Ecumenical review. World Council of Churches 0013-0796
The Electricity journal. Robert O. Marritz 1040-6190
The EMBO journal. Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 0261-4189
5633 results for facility: Indiana University Auxiliary Library Facility - page 254 of 282