Search Results

5633 results for facility: Indiana University Auxiliary Library Facility - page 32 of 282
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Automatic control. Faraday Press 0005-1047
Automatica. Pergamon Press 0005-1098
Automation in construction. Elsevier 0926-5805
Autonomous robots Kluwer Academic Publishers 0929-5593
Bacteriological proceedings. American Society for Microbiology 0067-2777
Bacteriological reviews. American Society for Microbiology, etc 0005-3678
Baileya. L. H. Bailey Hortorium, New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University 0005-4003
Baillière's Clinical gastroenterology Baillière Tindall 0950-3528
Baillière's Clinical rheumatology Baillière Tindall 0950-3579
Baillière's clinical endocrinology and metabolism Baillière Tindall 0950-351X
Baillière's clinical obstetrics and gynaecology. Baillière Tindall 0950-3552
Ball State University forum. [Ball State University] 0005-433X
Basic research in cardiology. D. Steinkopff 0300-8428
Basin research. Blackwell Scientific Publications 0950-091X
Bauphysik. Ernst & Sohn Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co KG 0171-5445
Behavior genetics. Plenum Press [etc.] 0001-8244
Behavior modification. Sage Publications, inc 0145-4455
Behavior therapy. Academic Press 0005-7894
Behavioral and neural biology. Academic Press 0163-1047
Behavioral biology. Academic Press 0091-6773
5633 results for facility: Indiana University Auxiliary Library Facility - page 32 of 282