Search Results

11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 18 of 573
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
African index [R. Rapold, [etc.] 0149-0796
African issues. African Studies Association 1548-4505
African journal of ecology. Published for the East African Wild Life Society by Blackwell Scientific Publications 0141-6707
African journal of reproductive health Women's Health and Action Research Centre 1118-4841
African language studies. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 0065-3985
African languages and cultures. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 0954-416X
African music. African Music Society 0065-4019
African philosophy. Carfax 1369-6823
African review of money, finance, and banking. Finafrica, Centre for Financial Assistance to African Countries 0393-4551
African special bibliographic series. Greenwood Press 0749-2308
African studies bulletin. African Studies Association 0568-1537
African studies review. African Studies Association [etc.] 0002-0206
African studies. Witwatersrand University Press 0002-0184
Africana. Marketing & Publishing, etc 0002-0281
Afrika-Spectrum 0002-0397
Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere = AAP : Schriftenreihe des Kölner Instituts für Afrikanistik. Kölner Institut für Afrikanistik 0178-725X
Afrique magazine. Groupe Jeune Afrique, S.A. 0998-9307
Against the current Against the Current 0739-4853
Against the grain. Katina Strauch 1043-2094
Age Springer 2452-0756
11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 18 of 573