Search Results

11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 241 of 573
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Japan forum Oxford University Press for the British Association for Japanese Studies 0955-5803
Japan quarterly. Asahi Shimbun 0021-4590
Japan review : bulletin of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies = Nichibunken. The Center 0915-0986
Japan. Japan Travel Bureau
Japanese films. UniJapan Film, Association for the Diffusion of Japanese Films Abroad 0448-8830
Japanese heart journal. Japanese Heart Journal Association 0021-4868
Japanese journal of infectious diseases. National Institute of Infectious Diseases 1344-6304
Japanese journal of medical science & biology. National Institute of Health 0021-5112
Japanese journal of medicine Japanese Society of Internal Medicine 0021-5120
Japanese journal of ophthalmology Dept. of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Springer 0021-5155
Japanese journal of parasitology. Kiseichugaku zasshi. Japanese Society of Parasitology 0021-5171
Japanese journal of political science. Cambridge University Press 1468-1099
Japanese journal of religious studies. International Institute for the Study of Religions 0304-1042
Japanese journal of surgery Japan Surgical Society 0047-1909
Japanese language and literature. Association of Teachers of Japanese 1536-7827
Japanese psychological research. Japanese Psychological Association 0021-5368
Japanese studies Carfax Pub 1037-1397
JAPCA. APCA 0894-0630
Jazz perspectives. Routledge 1749-4060
Jazziz Jazziz Magazine, Inc. 0741-5885
11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 241 of 573