Search Results

11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 249 of 573
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of applied polymer science. Wiley 0021-8995
Journal of applied psychology. American Psychological Association, etc 0021-9010
Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities : JARID BILD Publications 1360-2322
Journal of applied research in the community college. National Council for Research and Planning ; New Forums Press 1068-610X
Journal of applied social psychology. V.H. Winston [etc.] 0021-9029
Journal of applied sociology. Society for Applied Sociology 0749-0232
Journal of applied sport psychology. Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology 1041-3200
Journal of applied statistics. Sheffield City Polytechnic 0266-4763
Journal of applied toxicology : Heyden & Son 0260-437X
Journal of approximation theory. Academic Press 0021-9045
Journal of Arabic literature. E. J. Brill 0085-2376
Journal of archaeological method and theory. Plenum Pub. Corp 1072-5369
Journal of archaeological research. Plenum Press 1059-0161
Journal of archaeological science. Academic Press 0305-4403
Journal of architectural education : JAE. Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture 1046-4883
Journal of architectural education. Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture 0047-2239
Journal of architectural engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers 1076-0431
Journal of arid environments. Academic Press 0140-1963
Journal of Asian and African studies. E.J. Brill 0021-9096
Journal of Asian earth sciences. Elsevier Science Ltd. 1367-9120
11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 249 of 573