Search Results

11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 255 of 573
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of child neurology. PSG Pub. Co. 0883-0738
Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines. Blackwell Pub. [etc.] 0021-9630
Journal of child psychotherapy. Association of Child Psychotherapists 0075-417X
Journal of children & poverty. Institute for Children and Poverty 1079-6126
Journal of children and media Routledge 1748-2798
Journal of children's literature Children's Literature Assembly 1521-7779
Journal of Chinese economic and business studies Routledge 1476-5284
Journal of Chinese linguistics. Project on Linguistic Analysis 0091-3723
Journal of Chinese philosophy. Dialogue [etc.] 0301-8121
Journal of chromatography. Elsevier 0021-9673
Journal of chromatography. Elsevier 1570-0232
Journal of civil society Routledge 1744-8689
Journal of classical sociology : JCS SAGE 1468-795X
Journal of classification. Published for the Classification Society of North America by Springer-Verlag New York 0176-4268
Journal of cleaner production. Butterworth-Heinemann, Ltd 0959-6526
Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology : Swets & Zeitlinger 1380-3395
Journal of clinical and experimental psychopathology & quarterly review of psychiatry and neurology. s.n. 0447-9122
Journal of clinical and experimental psychopathology. MD Publications 0197-002X
Journal of clinical anesthesia Butterworths 0952-8180
Journal of clinical apheresis. Allen R. Liss 0733-2459
11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 255 of 573