Search Results

11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 487 of 573
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The American journal of economics and sociology. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, inc 0002-9246
The American journal of emergency medicine. Centrum Philadelphia 0735-6757
The American journal of evaluation. JAI Press 1098-2140
The American journal of family therapy. Brunner/Mazel 0192-6187
The American journal of gastroenterology : official publication of the National Gastroenterological Association. National Gastroenterological Association 0002-9270
The American journal of hospice & palliative care. Prime National Pub. Corp 1049-9091
The American journal of international law. American Society of International Law [etc.] 0002-9300
The American journal of Islamic social sciences. Jointly published by the Association of Muslim Social Scientists; International Institute of Islamic Thought 0887-7653
The American journal of jurisprudence. Notre Dame Law School 0065-8995
The American journal of legal history. Temple University School of Law 0002-9319
The American journal of medical technology. American Society for Medical Technology, etc 0002-9335
The American journal of medicine. Cahners Pub. Co. [etc.] 0002-9343
The American journal of police science Printed for the Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory by Northwestern University Press 1547-6154
The American journal of psychology. University of Illinois Press [etc.] 0002-9556
The American journal of Semitic languages and literatures University of Chicago Press 1062-0516
The American journal of sociology. University of Chicago Press 0002-9602
The American journal of sports medicine. by Sage Publications for the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine [etc.] 0363-5465
The American journal of surgery. Paul B. Hoeber 0002-9610
The American journal of theology University of Chicago Press 1550-3283
The American journal on addictions / American Academy of Psychiatrists in Alcoholism and Addictions American Psychiatric Press 1055-0496
11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 487 of 573