Search Results

844 results for facility: University of Alberta Book and Record Depository (BARD) - page 20 of 43
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of empirical finance. North-Holland 0927-5398
Journal of environmental science and health: M. Dekker 0360-1234
Journal of fluid mechanics. Cambridge University Press [etc.] 0022-1120
Journal of food composition and analysis : an official publication of the United Nations University, International Network of Food Data Systems. Academic Press 0889-1575
Journal of food engineering. Applied Science Publishers 0260-8774
Journal of labor economics. University of Chicago Press 0734-306X
Journal of law and society. M. Robertson 0263-323X
Journal of management. Southern Management Association 0149-2063
Journal of mathematics and physics / Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Institute 0097-1421
Journal of medical systems Springer Science+Business Media 0148-5598
Journal of micrographics. National Micrographics Association [etc.] 0022-2712
Journal of morphology and physiology. Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology 0095-9626
Journal of morphology. Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology 0362-2525
Journal of morphology. Ginn & Co. 0022-2887
Journal of muscle research and cell motility. Chapman and Hall 0142-4319
Journal of non-equilibrium thermodynamics. de Gruyter 0340-0204
Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing / Sigma Theta Tau. Sigma Theta Tau International 1527-6546
Journal of perinatology : W.B. Saunders 0743-8346
Journal of personality assessment. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, etc 0022-3891
Journal of petroleum science & engineering. Elsevier 0920-4105
844 results for facility: University of Alberta Book and Record Depository (BARD) - page 20 of 43