Search Results

844 results for facility: University of Alberta Book and Record Depository (BARD) - page 32 of 43
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Reports of patent, design, and trade mark cases. Published at the Patent Office Sales Branch 0080-1364
Research in phenomenology. Duquesne University Press 0085-5553
Research strategies : RS. Mountainside Pub. 0734-3310
Rethinking schools. Rethinking Schools 0895-6855
Review of higher education. The Association for the Study of Higher Education 0162-5748
Review of marketing and agricultural economics. 0034-6616
Revista de estudios hispánicos. University of Alabama Press 0034-818X
Revista hispánica moderna. Casa de las Españas, Columbia University 0034-9593
Revue de géographie alpine / publieé par l'Institute de géographie alpine (Université de Grenoble) Imprimerie Allier Frére 0035-1121
Revue française de science politique. Presses Universitaires de France 0035-2950
Revue thomiste. Ecole de theologie [etc.] 0035-4295
Rocky Mountain law review / University of Colorado School of Law
Rodale's organic gardening. Rodale Press 0884-3252
Romance studies : a journal of the University of Wales University of Wales 0263-9904
Rorschach research exchange and journal of projective techniques. Rorschach Institute 1068-3402
Rorschach research exchange. s.n. 0893-4037
Royal Society of Health journal. The Society 0035-9130
RUSI and Brassey's defence yearbook. Brassey's (UK) [etc.] 0097-4803
Russian education and society. M.E. Sharpe, Inc. 1060-9393
Russian linguistics. D. Reidel Pub. Co. 0304-3487
844 results for facility: University of Alberta Book and Record Depository (BARD) - page 32 of 43