Search Results
42910 results for facility: Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology - page 279 of 2146 | 277 278 279 280 281 |
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Title | Publisher | ISSN | Program (Institution) |
Bing gong xue bao = Binggong xuebao = Acta armamentarii / Zhongguo bing gong xue hui. | Guo fang gong ye chu ban she | 1000-1093 | |
Bio-acoustics bulletin. | Cornell University, Laboratory of Ornithology | 0520-1578 | |
Bio-avtomatika / | BAN | 0205-180X | |
Bio-dynamics. | Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association | 0006-2863 | |
Bio-medical materials and engineering | Pergamon Press | 0959-2989 | |
Bio/medical instrumentation. | Nielson Pub. Co. | 0523-6762 | |
Bio/technology. | Nature Pub. Co. | 0733-222X | |
Bioacoustics. | A B Academic Publishers | 0952-4622 | |
Bioastronautics report. | 0006-2901 | ||
Biocatalysis and biotransformation | Informa Healthcare | 1029-2446 | |
Biocatalysis and biotransformation. | Harwood Academic Publishers | 1024-2422 | |
Biochemical and biophysical research communications. | Academic Press | 0006-291X | |
Biochemical bulletin. | Columbia University Biochemical Association | 0096-4220 | |
Biochemical engineering journal. | Elsevier | 1369-703X | |
Biochemical genetics. | Plenum Press | 0006-2928 | |
Biochemical medicine. | Academic Press | 0006-2944 | |
Biochemical pharmacology. | Elsevier | 0006-2952 | |
Biochemical reviews. | 0365-9429 | ||
Biochemical Society special publication. | Biochemical Society | 0305-6988 | |
Biochemical Society symposia. | University Press | 0067-8694 |
42910 results for facility: Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology - page 279 of 2146 | 277 278 279 280 281 |