Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
American zoologist. |
American Society of Zoologists |
0003-1569 |
Amerikanskai︠a︡ tekhnika i promyshlennostʹ = |
Izd-vo Amerikanskogo akt︠s︡ionernogo ob-va "Amtorg" |
Amino acides, peptides, protéines. |
A.E.C., Société de chimie organique et biologique |
0066-1244 |
Amino acids |
Springer-Verlag |
0939-4451 |
Amino acids = |
Association of Amino Acid Fermentation |
Amino acids and peptides. |
Royal Society of Chemistry |
0269-7521 |
Amino-acids, peptides, and proteins. |
Chemical Society |
0306-0004 |
AMM : |
Cahners |
AMMTIAC quarterly. |
Advanced Materials, Manufacturing, and Testing Information Analysis Center |
1935-2298 |
AMP. |
Avco Manufacturing Corporation |
Amphenol engineering news. |
American Phenolic Corp |
Amphibia-reptilia : publication of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica. |
Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft |
0173-5373 |
AMPTIAC newsletter. |
AMPTIAC quarterly. |
AMR report. |
Applied Mechanics Reviews, Southwest Research Institute |
0584-4940 |
AmS-Skrifter |
0332-5202 |
Amsterdam naturalist. |
De Regenboog |
Amts- und Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung. |
0340-7551 |
Amtsblatt. |
An Ephemeris of materia medica, pharmacy, therapeutics and collateral information. |
E.R. Squibb |