Search Results

11977 results for facility: Washington Research Library Consortium Shared Collection Facility (SCF) - page 316 of 599
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Kambuja; monthly illustrated review. 0453-1469
Kansai University review of economics. Faculty of Economics, Kansai University 1344-8463
Kansas history. Kansas State Historical Society 0149-9114
Kansas quarterly. Kansas Quarterly, etc 0022-8745
Kant-studien; philosophische zeitschrift. W. de Gruyter [etc.] 0022-8877
Kappa Delta Pi record. Kappa Delta Pi 0022-8958
Kaseki. Nihon Koseibutsu Gakkai 0022-9202
Katorikku kenkyū Jōchi Daigaku Shingakukai 0387-3005
Kenkyū kiyō. Nihon Daigaku Bunri Gakubu Shizen Kagaku Kenkyūjo 0369-3562
Kennedy Institute of Ethics journal. Johns Hopkins University Press 1054-6863
Kentucky folklore record. Kentucky Folklore Society 0023-0227
Kentucky law journal University of Kentucky, College of Law 0023-026X
Kentucky libraries Kentucky Library Association 0732-5452
Kentucky romance quarterly : KRQ. University Press of Kentucky 0364-8664
Kerux Kerux 0888-3513
Kerygma und Dogma. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 0023-0707
Key plants. 0542-7320
Key to economic science and managerial sciences. Nijhoff 0165-4748
Key to economic science. M. Nijhoff 0165-0556
Keystone folklore quarterly. Point Park College 0023-0987
11977 results for facility: Washington Research Library Consortium Shared Collection Facility (SCF) - page 316 of 599